Blog Post
Last summer was the first time Israel attended Yosemit Sierra Summer Camp (YSSC) as a leader. He’s gone before as a camper and the previous summer as a co-leader. He was reluctant to step into this role though since he had never taken on this level of leadership. Not knowing any of the teens going he wondering if they would respect him and listen to what he had to say. Israel said yes, not knowing what to expect.
Janet & Makayla begin a new friendship and experience the IMPACT of discovering the individuals God created them to be.
Makayla (Kayla) balanced the rigors of her senior year at Fullerton High School when her aunt, Leilani, invited her and Kayla's younger sister, Cierra, to join IMPACT. Kayla felt that IMPACT would be a good way to see Cierra more often, so they decided to commit to IMPACT together.
Ingrid grew up in Solidarity’s youth programs from the time she was in first grade. She’s always had a kind gentle spirit, very smart but very shy. As the opportunity to be an IMPACT leader arose, in character, Ingrid diligently progressed through the different levels meeting her commitments and goals.
Carlos, Angelica, and Saul have called the Garnet neighborhood home for most of their lives. As these three siblings started attending Solidarity's Teen Center and Merge youth church, they quickly became an influential part of the community. Their joy, positivity, and willingness to lead at every given opportunity was contagious. In 2016, the three siblings attended the Oaks Winter Camp together and, for the first time, experienced the truth and love of Jesus as a family.The most meaningful part for them was that it was not simply an individual experience, but one that grew them closer as brothers and sister. The Oaks was a perfect place for them to connect with other students from Garnet and Maple neighborhoods through adventure and risk, tying them to a new family.
Because of the Oaks, all three siblings committed to being a part of the IMPACT leadership development program. They receive weekly mentoring and discipleship centered around growing their leadership and faith. Even though camp was just one weekend, the experience created a lasting effect for their family and community.
Martha & the Maple team design a more Kingdom-beneficial way to run the neighborhood Christmas store.
Standing shoulder to shoulder with one another is one of the best ways to understanding someone's experience. It takes a change of position, an intentional move from serving - from a place of privilege “above” down to someone who is “below” - to a position of journeying with another.