Our Neighborhoods

 GARNET Neighborhood

Located in East Fullerton the Garnet neighborhood is a densely populated six block community made up of mostly first generation latino families who just came to this country. While Garnet has barriers that may inhibit the residents and community from truly thriving, there is a resilience and beautifully rich culture that exists within the neighborhood. 

MAPLE Neighborhood

The Maple community is a multi-generational neighborhood located south of downtown Fullerton. This community was originally designated for redlined minority housing. Despite this racially exclusive measures of the past, this neighborhood developed its own unique culture, traditions, and influence that has positively contributed to what Fullerton is today.

 Our Locations


Maple 601 Community Center

601 E. Valencia Dr. Fullerton, CA 92832

  • Corporate Office

  • Mamás de Maple

  • Maple ASP

  • Maple Teen Center

  • Food Distribution


Garnet Teen Center

1690 N. Placentia Ave, Fullerton, CA 92831

  • Mamás de Garnet

  • Garnet ASP

  • Garnet Teen Center

  • Tilt


Camino Immigration Office

849 Bradford Ave. Placentia CA 92870

at Placentia Presbyterian Church

  • Camino Immigration Services

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