Blog Post
A Neighborhood Celebration: Dia de los Reyes
On January 6, the Mamas de Maple brought the neighborhood together to celebrate
Dia de los Reyes, welcoming their neighbors into their vibrant community and culture.
It was a day of joy, as neighbors came to the tables Martha San Elias had set up…
22 Days Can Make A Big Difference
“I needed help with reading".”
If you watch Ryan interact with other kids at program, you'll see an energetic 1st grader eager to come meet you and show you the ropes. Ryan is inclusive and kind, and the second you meet him you can see there's something unique about him.
When Ryan first came to Solidarity, though, he was having trouble both at home and at school.
When Karen Found Her Voice
Karen has always been quiet. She is strong, intelligent, and has the aroma of Jesus about her, but since we've known her (about 7 years) she's also been terribly shy.
Karen started in Solidarity's Glimpse After School Program (GASP) when she was in 4th grade. Meg, our SOLFul Director, recalls, "Karen was always the kid in the corner, never drawing attention to herself. She was always a quiet observer." As she grew, she stepped into every program offered to her, not because she had the confidence to, she clarifies, but because Solidarity staff kept encouraging her to do so.
Karen's growth was slow and steady, but what really launched her most recent growth was when you sent her to camp the last two years…
The Chico State student interned with Solidarity during SOLFul & walked away with a whole new perspective of God's character and realization of His plans for how she could participate in His Kingdom...
Bere finds another home at the 601 building with her neighbors and the Community Building Initiative grant.
Twenty years ago, Berenice moved from Tijuana to the Maple neighborhood. Eventually, she moved into a home across the street from a building at the end of Valencia. Bere watched as that building went from being an abandoned church to a new community center full of activity and life. Little did Bere know, the 601 building would someday be a second home for her and her family...