Blog Post

Leadership Leadership


For the most part, you would find Wayne reading a book, sketching different comic book creatures, or working on homework on his own at Garnet ASP. Sitting at the 1st grade table, Wayne would stick to himself, get homework help when needed, and then head home.

As a promoting sixth grader, Wayne was first introduced to IMPACT. Matt Anderson, Solidarity’s IMPACT Manager, was excited to be paired up with Wayne because he was so curious to see who Wayne was when he entered into community...


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Leadership Leadership


The past three semesters Kate and Leilani Hernandez (Lani) have been paired up as mentee and mentor through IMPACT, Solidarity’s Leadership Development Program.

As a new 7th grader, Kate joined IMPACT.  She and Leilani met but the first few meetings were slightly directionless. Naming and defining her goals proved to be difficult – Kate didn’t know what to expect and was hoping Lani would just tell her what to do.  Lani, on the other hand, could see the potential in Kate, that Kate had not recognized in herself...


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Leadership Leadership


Two and a half years ago, Karen decided to enroll in Solidarity's IMPACT Leadership Development program.  At the time, Karen was a shy thirteen-year-old about to enter her eighth-grade year at Ladera Vista Jr High in Fullerton.

Do you remember what Jr. High was like when you were a teen?  Do you remember how challenging it could be and the social pressure that one would experience?....


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Bere finds another home at the 601 building with her neighbors and the Community Building Initiative grant.

Twenty years ago, Berenice moved from Tijuana to the Maple neighborhood.  Eventually, she moved into a home across the street from a building at the end of Valencia. Bere watched as that building went from being an abandoned church to a new community center full of activity and life. Little did Bere know, the 601 building would someday be a second home for her and her family...


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