“They have Become My FAmily”
How Solidarity’s Educational Opportunities Are Transforming Lives.
One morning last month, I arrived at the 601 Community Center, opened the front door, and was greeted by the sounds of music, and immense laughter coming from the other room. At first, I retreated to my office, listening from a distance not wanting to interrupt, but It didn’t take long that the sounds of pure joy pulled me in. As I opened the door to Martha’s classroom, I realized I had stepped into a party, more specifically, a surprise party for one of the women in Martha’s classes who had received the life-changing news of a negative cancer diagnosis earlier that week.
The energy in the room was contagious. The music was loud, laughter filled every corner, and there was dancing! When they saw me, I was immediately invited to join. I hesitated, but with steady persuasion from the women, I was soon dancing in a circle with 10 women—celebrating life and this remarkable moment of hope, Joy and community.
In that moment, it became clear that there was so much more happening in that classroom than an educational program. It was then I truly understood what Martha meant when she said, “They have become my family.” This was more than a program or a class—it was a community rooted in love, resilience, and shared triumphs. Martha later described to me how the woman with the negative diagnosis has recently been at every class, learning new skills, and taking advantage of every opportunity. In this woman’s own words "This community has given me a second chance to build the life I want for myself and my family."
Each semester, hours upon hours of learning take place in Martha's sewing classes, craft workshops, parenting classes, Bible studies, group therapy, cancer awareness sessions, and more. And it’s clear that these hours of educational opportunities are about more than just acquiring knowledge. They are hours spent together, creating a community—a family—strengthened by shared experiences and personal growth as they learn and grow side by side
"This community has given me a second chance to build the life I want for myself and my family."
As we approach the end of the year, it’s stories like this that remind us why we do what we do. Your support helps create more than just educational opportunities—it builds a foundation for transformation, connection, and joy. Through our classes, we are creating families, and with your generosity, we can continue to impact and celebrate more lives through education in the years to come.