Blog Post
A Treasured Testimony
My name is Erik Juarez. I grew up on Truslow Street, which is in the Maple neighborhood. For me, I had strong belief that I was going to be just another kid from the block, gang banging, because that was the only thing in my surroundings…
Out Of Isolation, Into A Family
"I know that God showed up..."
Karina is a client that Camino Immigration Services is representing in an asylum case. Along with her husband and kids, Karina fled her home country to escape persecution they were facing at the hand of their government.
22 Days Can Make A Big Difference
“I needed help with reading".”
If you watch Ryan interact with other kids at program, you'll see an energetic 1st grader eager to come meet you and show you the ropes. Ryan is inclusive and kind, and the second you meet him you can see there's something unique about him.
When Ryan first came to Solidarity, though, he was having trouble both at home and at school.
When Karen Found Her Voice
Karen has always been quiet. She is strong, intelligent, and has the aroma of Jesus about her, but since we've known her (about 7 years) she's also been terribly shy.
Karen started in Solidarity's Glimpse After School Program (GASP) when she was in 4th grade. Meg, our SOLFul Director, recalls, "Karen was always the kid in the corner, never drawing attention to herself. She was always a quiet observer." As she grew, she stepped into every program offered to her, not because she had the confidence to, she clarifies, but because Solidarity staff kept encouraging her to do so.
Karen's growth was slow and steady, but what really launched her most recent growth was when you sent her to camp the last two years…
The messy art room at the 601 community building was the last place Trey expected God to meet him and his mentee, Miguel.
Miguel has always been a natural leader. Sometimes he doesn’t recognize the influence he actually has over a room. He is one of those students that, if he takes an interest in an obscure topic, slowly the rest of the group finds themselves overwhelmed with intrigue.
Trey noticed something special about Miguel the instant he met him. There was something familiar about the way he carried himself...